Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"Whoaaa, we're halfway there..." (Austin)

So, I'm not sure if we are technically "halfway there", but distance wise, we've got 13.1 down!  The rock-n-roll half marathon in Savannah turned into 4 laps + some around a 3 mile park in Heather's and my hometown [Tara, one of our other bea-utiful sistas ran too].  I'm not going to was painful.  But we did get to celebrate with recovery fro-yo :) ....and I haven't stopped thinking about it since.  Good thing the new Sweet Frogs close to my parking lot hasn't opened yet!  

I got a glorious e-mail from Lindsey this weekend reminding Heather and I that we need to step up our elevation! Am I the only person that thought Texas was flat?  As much as that thought makes me cringe, I sucked it up and ran 7 miles of hills tonight.  

This time change is killer though!  I need to invest in reflective gear and a head lamp (gonna be hard to look any cooler than I already do with my water bottle fanny-pack!).  

So now I'm eating roasted brussel sprouts, carrots, and rice (nice cell phone shot, huh) and waiting for my MIA running partner, Heather, to come home. 
It's Malbec & Modern Family time!

Thanks for reading!  
Until next time I remember to blog... :)

PS:  I love her (and the rest of my precious family -- this is the only picture I took this weekend)

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe we are halfway there!! ekkk!! kudos on the hill running this week. :-)
