Sunday, January 29, 2012

Chuck Norris Never Ran a Marathon [Austin]

Only three weeks until Austin!!

I'll start by saying the third member of our trio was out today :(  Sadly, someone has been spreading the funk and she's under the weather, but no is the second most important part of training!

This week's mileage was: 5 - 10 - 5 and 20 today.  Lindsey and I met at a Baptist Church in Ruckersville and ran and ran and ran and stretched and ran.  The run was much more flat than what we're used to in town but slow rolling hills were still in abundance.  I had a lot of time to think (4 hours to be exact - hence my motivation to blog)...and I started making a mental list of things running has taught me.

So, without further ado, and in honor of our 20 mile run today....the top ten things running has taught me:

10) Never skimp on a good pair of sneakers - your feet will thank you later, your wallet will forgive you.
9) There is no better way to learn your way around a new town or discover something new in an old one.
8) Food (carbs) are your friend.
7) Cars are not your friend.
6) Training is like a second job; it requires LOTS of time and planning but when it's gone, you don't know what to do with yourself.
5) I really do "hit the ground running"...and I have the scars and bruises to prove it.
4) There is not tolerance for runner's high.
3) Sweet frogs frozen yogurt is the best recovery food.
2) I am a worrier and would be even more insane if I did not.
1) To love and thank every part of my body for carrying me through the miles.

This week in training is the start of tapering down.  So after today we are officially "mentally prepared" for the marathon and these next two weeks will allow our bodies to rest...we'll see.
Mark your calendars.  Prayers will be appreciated on February 19th :)    
View from the run this morning (:

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