Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pollyanna Principle (Lindsey)

Everyone loves to hate Ms. Pollyanna Whittier. Well maybe they don't hate her since she comes from a popular book series but be honest, she is kind of annoying with her uber positive outlook. Well after the week I've had, there isn't any other way I could have moved forward without a Pollyanna positive outlook. My first week of training and I was on the couch for 2 days with a nasty cold so my short runs didn't happen. Then Zach and I hit the road to go on vacation for a few days at Ocracoke Island. The weather was quite depressing, steady rainfall if not torrential 99% of the trip. The 1% that it wasn't raining was spent on my long run (6 miles). It was on the cusp of storming so the winds were brewing and there was humidity (my favorite). It was not a week to get you motivated to run your first marathon... however, this is what I thought of my week (with my rose colored glasses): Yes, I got sick. However, I ran the week before so I don't feel like I totally missed out. Maybe this also means I won't get sick later when the training really counts. My six mile run turned out ok. Zach ran with me and didn't make me feel like the slowest person on earth so that was nice. Plus I'm a big fan of head winds. Yes they blow into you and it makes it harder to run but when it's 100% humidity outside, they are heaven sent. Also, this weekend was a wake up call that said, "hey even though the weather is horrible, you still need to get out there and train lady!" So "hats off" to Pollyanna. I think I'll be relying on that positive mojo to get me through this... that and some good friends. :-)

144 days to go

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